التحليلات المرضية

رؤيا القسم:

يعتبر قسم التحليلات المرضية احد اقسام كلية العلوم التطبيقية في جامعة سامراء وقد عمل على ان يكون هذا القسم نموذجاً يحتذى به من قبل اقسام التحليلات المرضية المناظرة له في الجامعات العراقية .

يحصل خريج كلية العلوم التطبيقية / قسم التحليلات المرضية على درجة بكالوريوس في التحليلات المرضية لكي يؤدي دورة كمحلل في المختبرات الطبية التابعة الى المستشفيات الحكومية والاهلية والمختبرات الاهلية المنتشرة في المدن ، يضع قسم التحليلات المرضية نفسه شريكاً كاملاً في تطوير الخدمات الصحية في مدننا العراقية وذلك من خلال الانفتاح على المجتمع وتقديم افضل الخدمات في مجالات تنمية الانشطة المرتبطة في التحاليل المرضية المختلفة وتلبية احتياجات المجتمع المتغيرة .

يقع على عاتق قسم التحليلات المرضية بجامعتنا ان يواكب التقدم السريع في مجال التحليلات المرضية الاساسية والسريرية النوعية ، وكما يسعى لتلبية احتياجات المجتمع المتغيرة من خلال تطور المناهج والخطط الدراسية ، وتوفير الكفاءات العلمية المؤهلة للتدريس وتجهيز مختبرات القسم بأحدث التجهيزات الحديثة والمتميزة نوعاً وكماً ، والاهتمام بجوانب البحث العلمي وانشاء برامج يمكن ان ترتقي بالقسم الى امكانية فتح الدراسات العليا لرفع وتيرة البحث العلمي والنهوض بمستوى التعليم بالعراق

رسالة القسم:

نشا قسم التحليلات المرضية وفق الحاجة المجتمع الى كوادر متخصصة خدمية ذات مواصفات علمية ومعايير تقنية حديثة وتهيئة تلك الكوادر للعمل في المؤسسات الصحية والبحثية المختلفة وكذاك دعم للقطاع الخاص , ولكي نؤنس لرعاية المرضى و تشخيص الامراض بدقة عالية حسب افضل المواصفات العالمية القابلة للتطبيق في العراق من خلال تخريج كوادر متخصصة في التحاليل المرضية بخلفية مهنية يكون فيها المريض محمور الاهتمام .

علماً ان للقسم رسالة مستقبلية واضحة ذات طموح عال تسعى الى تقديم اجود الخدمات وتطوير الكادر التدريسي والطلابي في مجالات البحث العلمي والمعرفي وافتتاح الدراسات العليا رصيد الجامعة التخصصي وذلك خدمات المجتمع وتوسيع افاق التعاون العلمي مع الاقسام المناظرة والمؤسسات ذات العلاقة بما يحقق عطاء وتفاعل مستمر وعالي الجودة

اهداف قسم التحليلات المرضية :-
تخريج ملاكات متخصصة قادرة على العمل في المختبرات الطبية واجراء كافة التحليلات والفحوصات التي تخص الدم وسوائل الجسم الاخرى ، واجراء الاختبارات المايكرو بيولوجية والكيميائية للكشف عن البكتريا وسمومها ، والكشف المختبري للطفيليات ، والكشف المختبري عن الاصابات بالأمراض الفيروسية ، وتشغيل مختلف الاجهزة الطبية الالكترونية وإلكهروميكانيكية بأنواعها ( القياسية ، تشخيصية ، علاجية ) وادامتها .
العمل على اعداد كوادر مهنية علمية وفنية متخصصة للعمل في مختبرات المستشفيات ومفاصل وزارة الصحة والمختبرات العامة والخاصة والدوائر الاخرى ذات العلاقة بما يخدم المجتمع .
تطوير القدرات البحثية والعلمية والتقنية للتدريسيين والخريجين ومواكبة التطورات الحديثة والحث على استخدام الاساليب المتطورة في مجالات الاختصاص .
4-العمل على اقامة علاقات علمية وبحثية وطيدة مشتركة مع الاقسام المناظرة في الجامعة والجامعات الاخرى من خلال المشاركة في الندوات والدورات وورش العمل التدريبية واستثمارها لتطوير القدرات وكذلك المنفعة المتبادلة خدمة للصالح العام .

Summarized about Pathological Analysis Department:

– Department was established in the academic year (2011-2012) within the collage departments of Applied Sciences / Samarra University, where (47) students were accepted in the first stage and the evening study was opened in the department at the academic year (2012-2013), where 112 students were accepted

– Many students graduated from the department, by 7 batches for morning study and 6 batches for evening study

– The number of the department students currently in its four annual stages in the morning and evening studies is approximately (255) students for morning studies, and approximately (260) students for evening studies. 

– The department is one of the large and important scientific departments in the college and comes in the first place at terms of student acceptance depending on the rates and desire of students in the College of Applied Sciences

– The department includes (23) teachers, (13) of whom PhD holder, (10) M.Sc. holder, in addition to (15) contractors, (2) of whom PhDholder, (13) and M.Sc. holder, additionally (5) employees representing the cadre technical.

– Postgraduate studies / master’s studies have been opened in the department at the academic year 2020-2021, and 22 students have been accepted on the public and private channel, in addition to the martyr’s family’s students, as well as two seats assigned for the employees of the Health Ministry.

– The department contains several specialized laboratories that have been newly equipped by devices and equipment of origins well-known international to cover the practical and applied aspects of the theoretical materials given to students in various stages until the picture is complete about the scientific method established scientifically and theoretically. The laboratories support the preliminary students, as well as the department’s lecturers to conduct scientific research, additionally graduation research for the past years students, the department includes many important laboratories, including:

Laboratory​The importance
Molecular biology laboratoryThe molecular biology laboratory represents one of the most important methods of diagnosing living organisms at the molecular level and identifying the type of relationship between them. It is also one of forensic analysis methods used in developed countries. Through this laboratory, the students learn on the type of cellular molecules for genetic traits and their importance in maintaining the life continuity, as well as the methods of extracting nuclear material of various living sources and then revealing it by internationally approved scientific methods.
Physiology and Histopathology LaboratoryThis laboratory is interested in identifying the organs functions of the living organism by exposing these organs to experiments to determine the importance and diagnosis of the function for each body member. As well as studying tissue sections
Laboratory microbiology This laboratory is concerned by the study of bacteria in general and the study of their diagnosis methods, as well as the serological tests study of immunity.
Parasitology LaboratoryThis laboratory is interested to introducing the student about the parasites types, their transmission mod, the diseases they cause, and their examining mod (directly and indirectly).
General and Medical Genetics LaboratoryThis laboratory is interested to introducing the student about the relationship of genetics by heart diseases and abnormalities, high blood pressure, and the fetus gender by using modern methods, as well as studying the genetic material that includes DNA and RNA
Clinical Chemistry LaboratoryThis laboratory is interested by conducting vital analyzes such as blood glucose and lipids analyzes, as well as studying liver functions and others
Hematology LaboratoryIn this laboratory, the most important blood-related tests are performed, which contribute as an essential part of the diagnosing diseases process , in addition to enabling students to acquire the methods and procedures taken in order to achieve the success of this examination, which is the basic building block in preparing students to work after graduation in the laboratories.

Department vision:

Pathological Analysis Department is one of the College departments in Applied Sciences at Samarra University; Work has been done to make this department a model of the corresponding pathological analysis departments in Iraqi universities. A graduate of the College of Applied Sciences / Department of Pathological Analysis obtains a Bachelor’s degree in pathological analyzes in order to Performs his role as an analyst in medical laboratories affiliated to government hospitals which are spread in cities. The Pathological Analysis Department establishes itself as a full partner in the development of health services in our Iraqi cities through opening up to society and providing the best services in the areas of developing activities related to various pathological analyzes and meeting the changing needs of society. It is the responsibility of the pathological analysis department at our university to keep pace with the rapid progress in the field of basic and qualitative clinical pathological analyzes, and it also seeks to meet the changing needs of society through the development of curricula and plans The study, providing qualified scientific competencies to teach and equipping the department’s laboratories with the latest modern and distinguished equipment in terms of quality and quantity, and attention to aspects of scientific research and the establishment of programs that can raise the department to the possibility of opening postgraduate studies to raise the pace of scientific research and advance the level of education in Iraq.

Department mission:

Pathological Analysis Department was established according to the community’s need for specialized service cadres by scientific specifications and modern technical standards, preparing these cadres to work in various health and research institutions, as well as support for the private sector, and to sociate the care of patients and diagnose diseases by high accuracy according to the best international specifications applicable in Iraq through Graduation of cadres specialized in pathological analysis by a professional background in which the patient is focused. Note that the department has a clear future mission by a high ambition that seeks to provide the best services, develop the teaching and student staff in the fields of scientific and knowledge research, inaugurate postgraduate studies, the university’s specialized balance, that is community services and broadening the horizons of scientific cooperation with the corresponding departments and related institutions in order to achieve continuous and high-quality tender and interaction.

*** pathological analysis department objectives:

1- Graduating specialized staff capable of working in medical laboratories, performing all analyzes and examinations related to blood and other body fluids, conducting micro-biological, chemical tests to detect bacteria and their toxins, laboratory detection of parasites, laboratory detection of viral infections, and operating various types of electronic and electromechanical medical devices of all kinds. (Standard, diagnostic, therapeutic) and maintain it.

2- Working on preparing specialized scientific and technical professional cadres to work in hospital laboratories, Ministry of Health joints, public and private laboratories and other related departments to serve the community.

3- Developing the research, scientific and technical capabilities of the teachers and graduates, keeping abreast of recent developments and urging the use of advanced methods in the areas of specialization.

4- Work to establish close joint scientific and research relations with the corresponding departments at the university and other universities through participation in seminars, courses and training workshops and investing them to develop capabilities as well as mutual benefit in the service of the public interest.

*** Department activities:

1- Preparing cadres of graduates with high scientific and practical capabilities in the specializations of pathological analysis.

2- Training students in official health institutions to practice their specializations in pathological analyzes.

3- Preparing and publishing various scientific researches in the medical and health fields.

4- Holding various workshops and courses to train different cadres, including teaching and professional, on modern technologies, advanced equipment and laboratory tests.

5- Organizing various seminars and advertisements to raise medical and health awareness about various diseases, their diagnosis and prevention, especially about communicable, infectious and emergency diseases in the country.

**** Pathological analysis department inputs:

1- The central admission channel for the graduates of the preparatory study / biology branch.

2- The direct application channel for graduates of the preparatory school /scientific branch by regard to applying for the evening study exclusively.

3- Job opportunities for graduates of the department based on the specialization and the nature of the study, graduates work in various fields, including the government sector, which includes scientific educational institutions, various health departments and medical fields, given the training and lessons acquired by the graduate from this section in diagnosing diseases, conducting examinations and training in laboratory techniques in a theoretical and practical

Vocabulary of the four academic stages / Department of pathological analysis

1st stage

 SubjectTheoreticalPracticalTotal hoursUnits
1General Biology2246
2medical sciences terminology224
3human cytology2246
4Introduction to Medical Physics2246
5General Chemistry2357
6Computer science111
7Arabic language112
8English language112
9Laboratory medical devices science1123
11Democracy and human rights112

Vocabulary of the four academic stages / Department of pathological analysis

2nd stage

 SubjectTheoreticalPracticalTotal hoursUnits
4Pharmacology and Toxicology2246
5Biochemical science2246
8English language112

Vocabulary of the four academic stages / Department of pathological analysis

3rd stage

 SubjectTheoreticalPracticalTotal hoursUnits
2Medical genetics2246
4Molecular Biology2246
5Sample collection and diagnosis2246
6Medical Microbiology Diagnostics2246
7Clinical Chemistry2246
8Microscopic preparation1234
9Quality control112
10English language112

Vocabulary of the four academic stages / Department of pathological analysis

4th stage

 SubjectTheoreticalPracticalTotal hoursUnits
1Molecular Technologies2246
4Blood bank2246
6Professional behavior224
7Public Health112
8English language112
9Graduation Research Project112