جامعة سامراء – تدريسيان من جامعتنا يحصلان على قبول نشر في مستوعبات سكوبس

حصل كل من الدكتورة شيماء حسن علي والدكتور ياوز حميد محمود التدريسيان من كلية التربية قسم علوم الحياة على قبول نشر لبحثهما المشترك بعنوان“The inhibitory effect of some wild plant species on the germination of Convolvulus L. wild plant seeds”

و ضمن مجلة
Indian Ecological Societyمستوعبات سكوبس تصنيف Q3.

و الذي يبحث في              All plant extracts affected the percentage of germination of Bindweed or Wild plants (Cynanchum) seeds. The 50% concentration recorded a 40% germination rate in the genus C. murale, Eu. peplus and Me. indicus, while E. vesicaria did not record any significant percentage of germination, but at 100% concentration the species were  C. murale, Eu. peplus, M. parviflora, Me. indicus and So. olreaceus had 20% germination rate, while E. vesicaria, L. draba and P. lanceolata species did not record any significant germination.  As for the control treatment, it out-performed all other treatments, as it recorded the highest germination rate of 60%. As for the effect of plant extracts in killing the seeds of the longevity, the concentration 50% recorded the highest killing rate in E. vesicaria extract that reached 100%, while the treatments A. maritime, L. draba and M. parviflora, any significant killing rate, while the concentration 100% recorded the highest killing rate of 100% in each of the species E. vesicaria, Eu. peplus, L. draba, P. lanceolata and S. marianum, while none of the species E. vesicaria, Eu. peplus, L. draba, P. lanceolata and S. marianum did. While, A. maritima as well as control did not records any significant killing rate.  As for the effect of plant extracts on stem and root lengths, the 50% concentration recorded the highest stem length of 6.5 cm in P. lanceolata, while L. draba recorded the lowest stem length at 1.5 cm, while the 100% concentration recorded A. maritima and So.  olreaceus had the highest stem length of 3.5 cm, while the control treatment was superior to all treatments, as it recorded the highest stem length of 8.6 cm. As for the root length, the two species A. maritima and L. draba recorded the lowest root length of 1.0 cm, while P. lanceolata recorded the highest root length.  It reached 3.0 cm at 50% focus.  In the 100% concentration, So. olreaceus extract recorded the highest root length of 2.5 cm, while C. murale was the lowest, recording 1.3 cm, while the control treatment outperformed all studied treatments in recording the highest root length of 6.3 cm.  As for the effect of plant extracts on the fresh and dry weights of tall stalks, C. murale recorded the highest fresh weight of 66 mg at the 50% concentration, while L. draba recorded the lowest fresh weight of 30 mg at the 50% concentration and at the 100% concentration.  So.  oleraceus had the highest fresh weight of 65 mg, while the control treatment recorded the highest fresh weight of 81 mg, while the lowest dry weight was for type Me.  indicus, where it recorded 13 mg at the 50% concentration, and the highest dry weight in treatment C. murale was 31 mg, while the 100% concentration recorded the highest dry weight for the type So.  oleraceus reached 27 mg, while the control treatment outperformed all studied treatments, amounting to 40 mg, while the fresh and dry weights of the roots were recorded as type Me.  indicus the highest weight of the fresh root was 5.1 mg at the concentration 50% and at the 100% concentration it was 4.9 mg.

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